1 percent per day strategy

access_time 1641378360000 face Kushal Jain
1 percent per day strategy The strategy aims at delivering average of 1% on the principal in intraday mode. The strategy works on Gap up and Gap down scripts Entry logic : If a script has a Gap up or gap down where Today's open is either greater than previous day high or lesser than previous day Low...

Straddle and Strangle AFL

access_time 1641377040000 face Kushal Jain
Straddle and Strangle AFL One AFL for 8 Option strategies SL based on Combined premium and individual leg One chart for both CE and PE premium graph Using this AFL you will be able to perform 8 different types of option strategies involving upto 4 legs Long straddle Long strangle Short Straddle Shor...


access_time 1641302940000 face Kushal Jain
Signal ignored. Max trades Per script limit reached. Error code : RM006 Please check your risk management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because you have exceeded the maximum trades per script limit set for this strategy tag. To allow...


access_time 1641302640000 face Kushal Jain
Signal ignored. Max orders Per Day limit reached. Error code : RM005 Please check your risk management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because you have exceeded the maximum orders per day limit set for this strategy tag. To allow more ...


access_time 1641302340000 face Kushal Jain
Signal ignored. Max Trades Per Day limit reached. Error code : RM004 Please check your risk management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because you have exceeded the maximum Trades per day limit set for this strategy tag. To allow more ...