Signal ignored. MaxShortPosition limit reached. Error code : RM003 Please check your risk management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because you have exceeded the maximum Short position limit set for this strategy tag. To allow more or...
Signal ignored. MaxLongPosition limit reached Error code : RM002 : Please check your risk management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because you have exceeded the maximum LONG position limit set for this strategy tag. To allow more ord...
RM 001Signal ignored. Max Open Position limit reached. Error code : RM001 Please check your risk management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because you have exceeded the maximum open position limit set for this strategy tag. To allow m...
Signal Ignored reason trade time Error code : TM001 Please check your time management settings to ensure the orders are processed correctly. The reason your order is not processed is because Entry and exit time in time management for the current strategy tag is out of the current time range. To fix ...
Short if there is no open position in that script Error code : TR004 If the trade rule is enabled, Algofox smartly ignores multiple Short position occurring due to repainting nature of the Algorithm. To understand how this trade rule works watch this video : Note : If you want to do scale in or pyra...